We are happy to help you!


Support for PathoWin+ customers

Are you a customer and user of PathoWin+ and have a support request? Please contact the electronic helpdesk by email or phone. We will be happy to help you.

Requests by email

For support requests regarding any Basys Data product or service, the easiest way to contact us is by email at help@basysdata.ch. You will automatically receive an email reference to the support ticket you have opened. We will get back to you as soon as possible via email or phone.

If you have any questions or additional information to already existing tickets, please always send them as a reply to the emails from our helpdesk. By doing so, you help us to collect all necessary information in a bundle, so that every employee on our side can take care of your request if necessary.

For all general inquiries, please contact us at info@basysdata.ch, or use the contact form.

Inquiries by phone

Of course we are always available by phone during office hours.

Switzerland: +41 61 683 01 70
Austria: +43 1 364 911 6
by fax: +41 61 683 01 74

Remote maintenance via Team Viewer

If required, you can let us look at your desktop via TeamViewer by appointment, so that we can help you directly in case of a problem.


Please click on the logo for support via TeamViewer